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2019 Black Forest Trail – Day Two – Crisscrossing the Creek

Sunday, 25 August

Destination: Francis Branch Campsite (MM 7.95)Today’s Miles: 10.4
Start Location: Campsite/Stream (MM 18.35) 15.75

Nice and cool last night. My thermometer showed 50 this morning. Bob slept a little cold. I was toasty. We took our time and enjoyed some coffee this morning. Got on the trail about 8:30. Over the course of about 2 miles, we crossed Line Branch creek 17 times, without any bridges. We saw two blue herons fly off from the creek. Must be some fish in there.

Another nice day for hiking, about 65 degrees, low humidity, mostly cloudy. We only saw two other people today, a pair of hikers a little off in a parking lot near the trail, not close enough to speak with. We did our planned eight miles and checked out the campsite. A tiny, seasonal stream and lots of mosquitoes. We thought we would go another two miles to the next campsite and hope for better water since we needed to wash socks and clothes. Turns out that was a good decision. We’re camped along Slate Run. Water deep enough to bathe in and flat tent sites. Tomorrow will be a short day. Tonight should be cool again with no rain. Bob saw a hiker crossing the bridge, only person we saw all day.

2019 Black Forest Trail Album

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