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2020 Dolly Sods, WV – Day One – Dolly Sods Wilderness

Tuesday, 28 July

Destination: Red Creek/Bear Rocks Trail Today’s Miles: 1.3
Start Location: Bear Rocks Trailhead 1.3

Met Alan, Jordan and Liv at the Broken Land Parkway at around 10. We loaded their gear and Jordan, Liv and I were off to Dolly Sods. About a four hour drive was ahead of us. Once we were off the highways, we found a nice quiet spot to pullover and enjoy a wonderful lunch of chicken tacos that Judy had packed and a special treat, poppy seed roll that Liv had made.

We arrived at the Dolly Sods Bear Rocks Trailhead parking lot around 2:30. Amazingly, it was 68 degrees and breezy. It was 88 when we left the Baltimore/Washington area. There were a few very light sprinkles when we started but not enough to put on rain gear. We added a few items to our packs and were off.

Our first night’s campsite, Red Creek campsite, was only about 1.3 miles away. After starting on a pine barren, we went through a little bog, crossed the creek and found some nice campsites. Jordan and Liv set up their hammocks and I set up my tent.

We gathered some wood and built a small fire. Pretty soon it was time for dinner. We chatted and kept the fire going, made some hot chocolate and headed to our tents around nine.

A little while later we headed back across the field to check out the stars. Some bright ones were out but the moon was bright. Not the great view we were looking for. 

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