Tuesday, 29 September
Destination: Bobblets Gap Shelter (748.2) | Today’s Miles: 10.2 (1.4) |
Start Location: Middle Creek Campground (758.4) | Trip Miles: 60.3 (3.2) |
Numbers in parenthesis after Destination and Start Location are northbound mileage markers as listed in the 2019 Northbound A.T. Guide. Numbers in parenthesis after Today’s Miles and Trip Miles are off trail miles to shelters and campgrounds.
Slept great on a real mattress. Up early and had coffee, oatmeal and a banana nut muffin for breakfast. Bob and I had a 1.2 mile road walk to get back to the AT. We were on the AT by eight. The road walk plus the AT for the day totalled 11.4 miles.
We started with a climb of 1,000 feet before the rain started. Today’s total was 1,800 feet of climbing. The rest of the hiking day was a steady rain with a downpour for our last mile to the shelter. We arrived at Bobblets Gap Shelter to find it already filled with five hikers, two with tents set up inside. The tents came down and they made room. There is a solo hiker our age and a group of four college age guys from Connecticut. We’ll make room if other hikers show up.
Still pouring rain but the spring is really close so we filled with water before settling in. May add to this later…