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2022 Egypt – Day Four – Two Dives

Friday, 15 April

This morning was warm and sunny without a cloud in the sky. Winds were less than yesterday. Met Nicole for breakfast at seven. In addition to fruits, cereals, hot food and yogurt, there is always an omelet station. Plenty of coffee, fruit and an omelet for me.

Our plan was to start with a morning dive. While we were finalizing our dive plan, a group of about fifteen teenagers came in. We waited to see it they were going to dive or just receiving their orientation. Looked like just orientation so we were in the water a little after 10:30. We swam to a structure called “the garage”, think of a table about 5 by 20 feet with 8 foot legs. There are lots of tubes attached and coral growing on the structure. Last visit there were lots of schools of small, brightly colored fish that would swim all around you. This time not as many little fish but lots of lionfish. I hope the lionfish did not have little fish for breakfast. Other divers showed up so we headed to a small piece of coral that was a little deeper. There we saw many banded coral shrimp. They had long, white antennae sticking out. More divers so we ended doing a short tour of the reef.

Banded Coral Shrimp

While thinking about some lunch and and afternoon dive, Nicole mentioned that her stomach did not feel great. So the plan was updated to include a bigger lunch and no afternoon dive. While eating lunch, another solo diver, Cordula, spoke to Nicole about diving together. Cordula is a German teacher who speaks some English. After sharing some info about where we might drive, Cordula and I planned an afternoon dive.

Cordula and I were in the water a little before three. We planned to follow the north reef out and just follow it back. There was a school of about fifty silver fish about 6-8 inches long circling with occasional flashes, eating something. They then swam little further adnd repeated the circle. We also saw lots of angel fish, triggerfish and parrotfish. It was a relaxing trip up the reef and back. Not a good idea to eat a hamburger before a dive though.

You always seem to get cold faster on your second dive. The hot shower felt good. Someone showed us photos of the yellow seahorse and told us where she had seen it. Maybe tomorrow’s objective. Nearly a full moon tonight over the sea.

The usual good dinner, beef over rice, and a wonderful dessert selection. The desserts are nice and small so I usually try them all.

Neil Young – “It’s better to burn out than to fade away.”

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