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2022 Egypt – Day Seven – Checkmate

Monday, 18 April

Today is another warm one but there is just enough breeze to make it bearable. I had the opportunity to use the mug that I won yesterday in the Easter egg hunt. It seems to keep my coffee warmer and saved me a couple trips compared to the European type, small cups.

After breakfast it was time to head for the beach and a little snorkeling. Sometimes it seems as if there are as many fish in the small coral at ten feet as deeper in the reef. The colors while snorkeling are much brighter. The deeper you are in the water, the more colors you loose. Along with all the fish are Squamose Giant Clams around twelve inches in size. When open, the Clams show bright colors. Lots of butterfly fish. Saw a little crab scurry across the path going into the water.

So it seemed like a good time to have a chess rematch with Nicole. After losing a game of rock, paper, scissors, in German, Nicole chose white again. After losing the first game, I hoped white was lucky and asked for a second game. Somehow in the last three years Nicole and I have made various wagers over things. Nicole said that it was up to six ice creams she owed me. Since today’s chess games were for ice cream, that six is reduced to four. A couple more days of chess and I will be buying the ice cream. I have tried to switch the game to pool, the pool table is outside next to the chess board but Nicole says pool is too strenuous in the heat. I think she just knows how she can win back her ice creams at chess.

After a longer, deeper dive yesterday we decided to cancel our planned afternoon drive. I am able to use the time to do a little sewing of a seam of the polyester body suit I wear. It makes getting the wet suit on a little easier. I blame the seam separation on Chinese workmanship and not any change in my body shape! Time to do a little laundry in the sink and put it out to dry. Each room has a drying rack outside the door. Finally, Bob sent me some planning info for a long Appalachian Trail trip planned for May/June. I have some time to look this over. I did get a short nap in.

After meeting for our afternoon coffee it was time to have a video call with Dolora. With the six hour time difference it takes a little scheduling effort. I seem to be missing sleet at home while sweating in 90 degree weather, pretty good trade off. Dolora had the fireplace going.

With a little time before dinner, Nicole and I continued our challenge. Pool this time and I had much better luck winning two games of eight ball. Each game of took at least 45 minutes, so neither of us are exactly pro players. It really did not cool off as the sunset tonight. Even playing pool is warm. I suggested only pool instead of chess matches for the future. Nicole nixed that idea and said we should split pool and chess. I think she is worried about our ice cream wagers…

Another wonderful dinner buffet this time with a falafel station and some Egyptian desserts. Lots of honey on the desserts but no bad choices.

After a lazy day, early to bed with a plan of a morning dive on the south reef. Final decision to be made at breakfast.

Neil Young – “It’s better to burn out than to fade away.”

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