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2022 Appalachian Trail I – Day Three – Wolf Rocks

Friday, 20 May

Destination: Kirkridge Shelter (1290.5)Today’s Miles: 13.6
Start Location: Leroy A. Smith Shelter (1276.9) 30.0

I had a great night’s sleep last night. The temperature dropped to 52 with no rain and my tent site was nice and flat. Bob and I were hiking at seven. We had a long day planned to the next shelter.

The only big climb, about 600 feet, was at Wind Gap. Gap is a bad word to see on our map. It means a big down followed by a big up. Delaware Water Gap is the next one coming up.

When we came to the Wolf Rocks Bypass Trail that was a hint about what to expect. Wolf Rocks was about a half mile of boulder hopping. Not terrible but slow going. Thunderstorms were in the forecast and a light rain started about 2:30. Not enough to put on rain gear. Luck was with us finishing the rocks before the rain started.

Bob and I arrived at the shelter about 3:30 just as the real rain started. Three hikers who stayed at our campsite were already here. They were betting whether we would beat the rain. We had planned on camping at a view two tenths from the shelter but a look at weather radar changed our plans. We got water from a faucet a couple hundred yards in back of the shelter and settled in for the night.

Lots of downsides to the shelter but staying dry with a place to cook dinner wins. A few other hikers have come by, one staying so far. I expect a crowded shelter tonight.

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