2018 AT – Day Thirty Two – Greasy Creek Friendly

Saturday, 30 June

Destination: Greasy Creek Gap – Greasy Creek FriendlyToday’s Miles: 7.2
Start Location: Cherry Gap Shelter 369.3

Well the rain stopped overnight and things had a chance to dry out some but I had different problem to worry about this morning. Last evening during a short break in the rain, I hung my food bag. With the combination of a light food bag, wet line and wet tree, the bag was not heavy enough to fall. So it was stuck hanging about fifteen feet in the air. Thinking about this kept me from getting a good night’s sleep. It was only seven miles to the hostel but those would be hungry miles and I was not feeling too good about being able to replace those items at the Dollar General. I wanted to sleep late since I had short miles but was worried about getting my food bag down. I spent about forty five minutes praying, shaking the line and finally finding a tree limb that reached the bag. After about a dozen tries with the tree limb, SUCCESS!!!

Food in hand, I had some breakfast and packed up. Out a little before 7:30. Another gorgeous day watching the sunshine through the mist. The trail seems a little rockier lately but my feet feel good. The worst part today was the 0.7 mile side trail to the hostel.

I got to the hostel around noon. Greasy Creek Friendly is an interesting place. The owner CeeCee has her room/office in the rustic building with the kitchen, lounge, bathroom, store and a room with three beds. There is a separate bunk house. She maintains a kosher kitchen and tries to do as little work as possible on the Sabbath, sundown Friday until sundown Saturday. She still seems to be doing a bit of work sorting and cleaning stuff.

I am sitting on the porch checking my plans and making this update getting buzzed by hummingbirds. It probably will not rain tonight since I am inside.

There was a six o’clock run to Dollar General for few supplies and a stop to pick up a cheese steak sub for dinner. Looks like I may be the only one here tonight. I should get a good night’s sleep. Long, uphill day tomorrow. Hopefully, it will cool as I get higher.

2018 Appalachian Trail Album

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