2023 West Virginia – Day 6 – Allegheny Trail

Saturday, 10 June Destination: Allegheny Trailhead Today’s Miles: 4.4 Start Location: Allegheny Trailhead To any of Bob’s family or friends, Bob said to remind you that we are NOT having fun. So the original plan was for today to be a zero day (no hiking) before another couple days of backpacking. The weather forecast did not cooperate….

2023 West Virginia – Day 5 – Revelles River Resort

Friday, 9 June Destination: Bear Rocks Parking Today’s Miles: 6.0 Start Location: Red Creek Campsite Trip Miles: 30.7 Bob and I had our warmest night and coolest day of the trip. Overnight low was 40 and it was 48 when we awoke a little before six. It stayed overcast in the low fifties with a stiff breeze making…

2023 West Virginia – Day 4 – Dolly Sods

Thursday, 8 June Destination: Red Creek Campsite Today’s Miles: 10.4 Start Location: Red Creek Campsite Trip Miles: 24.7 Last night continued the pattern, 37 overnight low and 39 when Bob and I were up at six. Taking our time as usual we were hiking around 8:30. We started with a climb to Rocky Point Trail to warm up….

2023 West Virginia – Day 3 – Dolly Sods

Wednesday, 7 June Destination: Red Creek Campsite Today’s Miles: 5.4 Start Location: Stonecoal Run Campsite Trip Miles: 14.3 Bob and I were up as usual at six. The temperature registered 36 for a low. Only a little warmer when we woke up. Again no hurry so we started hiking after 8:30. Today was Big Stonecoal Trail to Red…

2023 West Virginia – Day 2 – Dolly Sods

Tuesday, 6 June Destination: Stonecoal Run Campsite Today’s Miles: 7.6 Start Location: Red Creek Campsite Trip Miles: 8.9 Today’s seven and a half mile day took Bob and I on the Bear Rocks Trail, Raven Ridge Trail, Rocky Ridge Trail, Blackbird Knob Trail and finally Big Stonecoal Trail before getting to our campsite on Stonecoal Run. The challenge…

2023 West Virginia – Day 1 – Dolly Sods

Monday, 5 June Destination: Red Creek Canmpsite Today’s Miles: 1,4 Start Location: Bear Rocks Parking Trip Miles: 1.4 I left Manassas a little after eight, stopping for gas and a hoagie for the drive to Dolly Sods. The last five miles were a gravel road that was a little rough in spots. Bob showed up a few minutes…

2023 Europe – Epilogue

3 – 25 May Dolora and I spent three weeks in Europe; Germany, Greece and Portugal. Nothing compares to visiting friends and spending time with them. It is a much different experience than the tourist thing, much more relaxed. Visiting Nicole and Frank in Germany was a great way to start our trip. A Rick…