2018 AT – Day Thirty Three – Getting High!

Sunday, 1 July

Destination: Roan High Knob ShelterToday’s Miles: 11.9
Start Location: Greasy Creek Gap

Tonight I am camped at Roan High Knob Shelter, the highest shelter on the Appalachian Trail at 6,250 feet. What were you thinking? Yes, there is plenty of that also on the trail.

I was up and packed before breakfast at seven. The owner of the hostel, CeeCee, is quite the charming, quirky personality. She made me some “real Southern” grits to go with my breakfast sandwich. Greasy Creek Friendly is a “Do Not Miss” stop on the AT.

It was uphill for the three quarters of a mile back to the trail but today was another delightfully sunny day. Lots of climbing to get above 6,000 feet but the temperature was not too bad since I was always above 4,000 feet. I did a few extra miles today that do not show up in the 11.9 trail miles. This morning I came to a view and took some pictures. I had in my mind that after the view it was downhill and I got turned around and headed back south instead of north. When I came to the sign for the shelter that was not supposed to be there, I realized something was wrong. I had gone 1.2 miles in the wrong direction. So these 2.4 miles plus the 0.7 mile from the hostel gave me 3.1 miles that do not count as trail miles. On the plus side, I did get to share the trail with a doe on the way back and got some photos.

I am tenting near the shelter. It is noticeably cooler and a little breezy at this elevation. I have spent some time with a new section hiker, Scott, discussing equipment, food and other hiking details. There is also another woman tenting along with two other couples, one with a dog.

I have eighty nine miles left and am starting to realize the end of this adventure is near. On one hand, I would like to hurry up and get back home with Dolora. On the other hand, the sounds, sights and smells and meeting new people will end. Although I could really do without the smell of my shoes about now. Hoping the thunderstorms stay away for a while and the temperature cools a bit.

2018 Appalachian Trail Album

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