2021 Appalachian Trail III Part 2 – Day Two – William Penn Shelter

Wednesday, 13 October

Destination: William Penn ShelterToday’s Miles: 13.6
Start Location: Rausch Gap Shelter 24.7

Shortly before sundown a southbound thru hiker, Zack Boston, showed up. He started in Maine on August first. Zack set up his tent nearby.

There was a little rain overnight, just enough for a wet tent. Since I had gone to bed so early, I was up before sunrise. Made coffee, packed, chatted and was hiking a little before eight.

There was someone camping in a hammock where the side trail meet the AT. A little later, a tent with a bicycle nearby.

Today’s decision involved a beaver dam across the trail. There is a 1.6 mile dry detour around the dam. That would have added another half mile to an already long day. Zack and some other hikers said it was not so bad. I gave it a try and ended up with one wet foot and one damp foot. One slip could have put you in mud and water up past your knees.

Today’s hike was challenging, fourteen miles with side trails. Everything was wet. It did not rain during the day but the humidity is high and there was no sun. Made for slippery leaf covered rocks. Over 2,000 feet of ascent sprinkled with nice boulders. Mix in some walnuts. These are the size of small oranges. I should have no problem sleeping tonight.

Saw more hikers today, a group of two women and a man out for twelve days; a hiker going from Port Clinton to Harpers Ferry; another hiker skipping over the rocks, a guy at the shelter and a bunch of people on the trail to the spring.

Tonight I am camping along the side trail to the spring near the William Penn Shelter. No other tents nearby. I suspect the shelter may have a few campers.

Drying things a little before dinner. Updating my journal, and maybe a little internet surfing since I have a good connection and plenty of battery.

Tomorrow is a short four miles to the truck and a drive back to Virginia. Looking forward to a hot shower.

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One Comment Add yours

  1. Diane Olexa says:

    Little more of a challenge today.
    Making great memories.

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