2018 AT – Day Twenty – Full Shelter

Monday, 18 June

Destination: Tri- Corner Knob ShelterToday’s Miles: 12.6
Start Location: Icewater Spring Shelter

Full shelter last night. We fit fourteen in with a capacity of twelve. Family of eight, group of three and three thru hikers including myself. One of the guys snored really loud. Slept in until 6:30 since today was only twelve miles. I did leave by seven to avoid the mayhem as the family of eight was packing up. Got most of the hiking in while still cool before noon. A bunch of the trail was a running brook because of the hard rain yesterday. Only passed one other couple hiking north.

Got to the shelter about 1:30. Julian, who was at the shelter last night came in. The couple I passed came in about four, just before the rain started. They are a father and daughter. Nice folks.

The trio is a father who just retired from the Army, about 45, his sister and his son. They are carrying army gear and MREs. Heavy packs. They came in about seven, exhausted. The son has blisters and was sick. They are supposed to hike fifteen miles tomorrow but know they cannot make it. Their plan is to hike eight miles to the shelter that is closed because of bear activity. They did not bring tents so they need to stay in a shelter??? Lots of unprepared people out here but that wins the prize.

Hoping for a quieter night than last night.

2018 Appalachian Trail Album

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