Friday, 6 July
Destination: Abingdon Gap Shelter | Today’s Miles: 15.9 |
Start Location: Iron Mountain Shelter | Trip Miles: 461.1 |
One weather app had 100% chance of rain all day, the other 90%. I was resigned to spending my last full day hiking in the rain.
The guy I passed yesterday, Jeb, came in after dinner and also stayed in the shelter. Yesterday was his first day and he is trying to get past Damascus. He left about the same time I did, just after six thirty. Since it was not yet raining, I wanted to get some miles in. It was a little cooler but the morning was in a light fog so it was even more humid than yesterday if that was possible.
Around ten I came to Double Springs Shelter. Three northbound hikers were there, Sir Stops A Lot, Professor, and Kroger. They had stayed there and said it really poured and thundered. Not sure if they were making breakfast or lunch.
I heard thunder⚡in the distance occasionally but no rain. This was the flattest trail on the whole trip. About two miles from the shelter, the thunder started and was getting closer. I stopped and put on my rain gear. The sky opened up for the last mile to the shelter. Lots of thunder but I did not see any lightning. I got to the shelter about two and took refuge. Everything stayed dry except my shoes and feet. The trail turns into a stream when it rains. The path erodes from all the people walking and killing the vegetation. Since it is now the low point, the water just flows. It is not wide enough, because of thorns, raspberries, and stinging nettles , to walk anywhere else. So you just splash in the rain.
The rain has stopped, the sun is shining and the birds are singing. Tempting me to set up my tent ⛺ instead of staying in the shelter but I want to get out early and dry to meet Dolora tomorrow in Damascus. There is still thunder in the distance.
Sir Stops A Lot, Professor, and Kroger made it here tonight. Professor is staying in the shelter with me. Sir Packs A Lot and Kroger are in hammocks nearby. I think I will pick through my remaining food and eat as much as I can so I do not have to carry it tomorrow.