2022 Appalachian Trail I – Day Sixteen – Zero Day

Thursday, 2 June

Destination: Bear Mountain Bridge Motel (1407.0)Today’s Miles: 0.0
Start Location: Bear Mountain Bridge Motel (1407.0) 146.5

A Zero day is a day off for rest, zero miles hiking. A Nero day is a near zero day, low miles and some rest. Most of the photos for today will unfortunately be food since that is a big highlight of a zero day.

Bob and I slept in this morning. About seven I headed over to the nearby cafe for coffee and a bagel, egg, cheese and ham sandwich. Bob stayed in bed. He went to breakfast a bit later. It was time to clean, dry and organize gear. Before long it was lunchtime. Same cafe for an Italian sandwich and iced tea. No lunch for Bob after his late breakfast.

After lunch we headed across the highway to the convenience store for ice cream, a cone for Bob, Ben and Jerry’s for me. Back to plan our days until the next resupply after tomorrow.

It does not look like we have a good place for a possible zero in the last stretch. Places were either closed or already full. It looks like we have a chance for two showers before spending our last night at a motel. Weather is predicted to cool and we planned for shorter days.

The rain started again this afternoon. Bob and I planned on dinner at Bear Mountain Pizza and Cafe which is about a ten minute walk but since we were doused yesterday by passing cars in the rain, delivery was our plan. Just after Bob placed our order the sun came out. Tonight was shared calamari, a stromboli for Bob and antipasto for me.

Tomorrow Bob and I leave at 8:30. A shower in the morning, dash to the deli for breakfast and pack up. A short day to a decent resupply and then a nearby campsite with maybe a shower!

Bob figured out how to share his photos last night so they have been added it you go back and look at each day. I also deleted duplicates and cleaned up some other photos. Hopefully that makes up for all the food photos today.

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