2023 Loyalsock Trail – Guest Commentary

End Location: Route 220 Parking Lot
Start Location: PA Route 87 59.2

Bob’s 2023 Loyalsock Trail Epilogue

Well, another great backing adventure completed with my good old buddy Al Stoffa. 59 miles on the Loyalsock Trail (LT). The LT went through Worlds End State Park. When I was about 5 years old my family took day trips there. I have fond memories so it was a treat to be back.

The LT is within the Loyalsock State Forest, a spectacularly wild forest as is apparent in the blog’s photos. We are very fortunate to have such well maintained natural resources in the Keystone State. I suggest everyone get out to experience them; many are closer than we realize.

The LT is maintained by the Alpine Club of Williamsport. Their love for this trail is apparent. It is well signed and blazed which makes it relatively easy to traverse. So many beautiful forges, creeks, waterfalls, and historical elements. Their 2020 LT guide is a must have. The LT is very remote and best we can tell it is not heavily used, therefore there is not a lot of trash left behind by day or overnight hikers. The LT is not for the faint of heart. There are no shelters, picnic tables or privies. Truly a wilderness trail. However, it does traverse Worlds End State Park which is a Pennsylvania treasure. A nice place for a hiking break. Worlds End has its own “Friends” group who love and care for it which is somewhat unique, Friends of Worlds End State Park.

Finally, it is worth noting that it was 60 years ago in September 1963 that Al and I first met on the school bus on our way to the first day of first grade. So hiking the LT together was a special way to celebrate 60 years of friendship.

Bob’s photos are included in the update!

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2 Comments Add yours

  1. Michele says:

    Very proud of my brother and his good friend Al, and their adventures! Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Nicole Klisch says:

    Wonderful fotos and I do Like the little videos very much!👏🤗
    It seems to be a really beautiful trail with divers attractions. Waterfalls, views, fall colours, a decent river, big rocks, wet ladders, …😀👍
    Great way to celebrate a friendship!

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