2019 Germany – Day Five – Kaufbeuren

Saturday, 14 September

This morning was time to checkout of Pension Lindner and take the train to Kaufbeuren to meet Nicole and Frank. Dolora and I had our last breakfast in München, checked out and headed to the train station. Since the ticket machine had an English language button, it was easy to make our purchase and we were on our way on the 9:52 train to Kaufbeuren. Arrival was 10:57, exactly as scheduled.

We were warmly welcomed. It was wonderful to see Nicole after nearly two years and also meet Frank in person. We tucked our suitcases in Nicole’s trunk and headed to the shopping mall for a “second breakfast”. Dolora and I had the opportunity to walk through the supermarket with Nicole and Frank to purchase some items for breakfast. From there it was a short trip to Nicole’s apartment in Kaufbeuren. We unpacked the groceries and chatted over a good cup of coffee and warm German hospitality.

Check in at the ibis Styles hotel was at 3:00. Since it is only a 10 minute walk from Nicole’s apartment, we all walked over. After checking into our room, it was a walk through town with a stop for dessert and coffee. There was a town festival with a band going on at the town wall. The town has an old town center with cobblestone streets and plenty of shops and restaurants.

Nicole and Frank treated us to dinner at Gaststätte Zum Häring, a local Croation restaurant that they like. I had Cevapcici (minced meat rolls) with Djuvedj rice, French Fries and salad from the salad buffet. There were six spiced meat rolls, like spicy sausages, which were excellent. Dolora had a salad with roasted chicken strips. Frank had Minced Meat filled with Sheep’s Cheese and Smoked Bacon, while Nicole had a steak. All were delicious. The food keeps getting better.

From dinner, it was a short walk from the restaurant back to the hotel. We made our plans to meet at 8:30 for breakfast at Nicole’s and said our Guten Abend, Good night. It is really great to meet with Nicole again and meet Frank. Tomorrow’s plans include a 7 mile hike nearby. It should be the warmest day of the upcoming week.

2019 Germany Album

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