Tuesday, 26 November
Since you should not fly until at least twenty four hours after your last dive, today Nicole and I did our final dives at Orca Dive Club Coral Garden. We arrived at the beach this morning to some of the calmest winds yet. Decided to dive the south reef in the morning and the north reef in the afternoon. Breakfast, back to my room to change and over to the dive center.
Today was forecast to get to eighty eight degrees. The entry for the south reef is about one hundred yards down the beach. With probably forty pounds of scuba gear and wearing a wetsuit, it gets warm pretty fast. So the forecast for warmer weather along with better light in the morning determined the south reef early. The water was nearly flat when we entered. We headed to a rock we had not visited before, spent some time there and headed for the reef. Visibility was good. We made it to the ledge and then headed back. The big rock near the entry provided some entertainment. The schools of fish looked like ballet movements. Clouds of fish would get larger and smaller as a school of feeding fish came near. After an hour underwater, I was a little cold.
After a short break in sun, it was time for our afternoon dive. The wind had picked up a bit and the water was a little rougher, not as nice as the morning. Plan was to head out past the “Garage” to a couple of rocks and then hit the north reef. I took the camera along, so there are some photos and videos of our last dive. Our timing on the afternoon dive was not as good as the morning dive. There were other divers leaving and entering the water. When we got to the “Garage”, there were already several divers there, so we continued to the rocks. Nicole was happy to see one of her friends, a moray eel. Those are her favorites. We also saw a nice sized barracuda and several squids. A nice variety of fish for our final dive. We spent some time at the “Garage” on the way back and then to the reef. The “Garage” seems to have the largest assortment of fish in the smallest area, I think that is why it is a favorite. We exited the water on our last dive happy to have seen the variety of fish. Over to the dive center to take off our gear and rinse everything in fresh water. I finished the two weeks with a total of seventeen dives in the Red Sea, two were night dives, and completed my Night and Limited Visibility certification.
Tomorrow we turn in our rental gear and pay for our dives. Other than that, rest and relaxation before flying to Munich on Thursday. Friday, I will meet Frank and visit the Deutsches Museum Verkehrszentrum, the German Transportation Museum, the equivalent of our Smithsonian Museum. I am starting to look forward to getting home although I may miss the weather here a bit. Every day in the eighties and sunny. We have had some winds but nothing terrible. There were actually two humid days. Tomorrow is supposed to be in the high eighties.
Dinner tonight included something I have only seen here. There was a pasta station and a liver station. The chef added oil with garlic to the frying pan, then tomatoes, onions, peppers and then some precooked liver slices. This was cooked and some spices added. Excellent! I do not get liver at home and this was a real treat.
That’s right no liver at home
I loved hearing about this adventure and sharing it with our grandchildren. 💕