2021 Appalachian Trail – Day Two – Nice Views

Destination: Creek & Campsite (1,235.5)Today’s Miles: 9.6
Start Location: Windsor Furnace Shelter (1,225.9) 15.9

Monday, 19 April

This will be posted at least a day late. No cell service on Monday night.

Well there were a few very light showers overnight, completely unexpected, but everything was inside and stayed dry. The only wet item we had to deal with was wet tent flies.

Consider skipping this paragraph if you are not interested in AT privies. Three hikers we passed yesterday alerted us to the privy at Windsor Furnace Shelter. It seemed their biggest concern was that it only had three walls. Shortly after breakfast I decided to check it out. My apologies for the first couple of today’s photos. It is a newly constructed mouldering privy. In a mouldering privy after doing your business you drop in a handful of wood shavings. This all helps to create compost with none of the smell of a pit privy. As advertised there were only three walls with an open front. You did have a nice view of the mountain while seated though. Enough of privies for this trip.

Bob and I stuffed our wet tent flies in the outside pocket of our packs and were hiking at 8:10. Only a 700 foot climb to warm up this morning. Our first break was at Pulpit Rock with wonderful views. There is an astronomical park next to the trail there. First time I ever saw “No Flashlight” signs.

Over the rocks to our lunch stop at The Pinnacle. Another beautiful view of the valley below. Three hikers we met on our earlier break were there.

From there it was about five easy miles mostly downhill on an old dirt road to our campsite along a creek. Not quite ten miles for the day. It was a little warmer today but still nice. A few stray raindrops between sunshine before dinner.

One other hiker came in after dinner and is staying nearby tonight. Tomorrow is a shorter day but we have been warned that it will be rocky and slow going.

Cooling off and should be another good night for sleeping.

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