2022 Appalachian Trail I – Day Seven – Hopes Crushed

Tuesday, 24 May

Destination: Gren Anderson Shelter (1328.5)Today’s Miles: 10.9
Start Location: Tentsite (1317.6) 68.0

Yes, Gren Anderson Shelter is spelled correctly, I double checked. Last night got nice and cool, 50, great for sleeping. I did run into one minor problem, a slow leak in my sleeping pad. I had to add a couple breaths of air about three times through the night. I hope to have the chance to find the leak and repair it tomorrow when we stay at Joe’s house.

Since Bob and I were trying to schedule a road crossing at lunch we stayed warm in our tents for a while before having breakfast. We started hiking at eight. The rocks have been fewer and further between. Our first break was at the side trail to Brink Shelter, which is closed because of bear activity. No bear but a water cache so no one would go towards the shelter. We had incredible views of lakes today.

Next up was that dreaded word Gap, Culver’s Gap, but since Bob and I planned on lunch and a possible cold beverage at a nearby tavern, not so dreaded. We headed down with visions of cheeseburgers dancing in our heads. First was Sandwich Lobby which we knew was closed. Mountain House Tavern was our planned stop – closed. A friendly woman walking her dog told us about a place beyond the gas station that served bar food. Gyp’s Tavern was closed while ownership changed and was opening tomorrow. One of the owners, Andi, was outside painting. She sold us two iced teas with glasses of ice and allowed us to have lunch on the back deck on Kittanany Lake. The tavern dates from the 1940s and Babe Ruth fished and hunted with the original owner. Our big lunch plans were shattered as we ate packets of tuna salad and chicken.

As we climbed today we saw a pair of deer, both button bucks. Bob and I have seen grouse, chipmunks, and turkey vultures but no snakes or bears. We have also heard turkeys and many other birds including Bob’s favorite the whip-or-will. Today included a number of my favorite wild flower. Lady Slippers.

We ran into a hiker we have been hearing about, we will call him No Name for soon to be obvious reasons. He engages everyone in conversation and says he is hiking to Maine but will not be able to finish the trail. He says that you have to register your name to finish at Katadin and he carries no identification and does not give anyone his name. All of the other hikers we have met are more normal.

Tonight is supposed to be our coldest night so far, last night was 50. Today’s ascent was over 1,700 feet in 10.9 miles.

There are two rules that seem to hold on the AT.

Rule #1 – If you are not sure where the trail goes, it is up regardless of the direction you are heading.

Rule #2 – Within five minutes of hiking in the morning, there was a nicer campsite just up the trail.

A little bit of personal information – Bob and I have to coordinate our clothing choices. We each brought a green Marmot tee shirt. We try to avoid wearing them at the same time so we do not get any snide comments.

Hopefully tomorrow’s plan will work out better. Tomorrow starts our second week. A high school friend, Joe, is picking us up before noon. Good food, good friendship, showers, laundry and resupply.

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One Comment Add yours

  1. Jerry D says:

    One week down, two to go!

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