2022 Appalachian Trail I – Day Twenty One – Wiley Shelter

Tuesday, 7 June

Destination: Wiley Shelter (1458.3)Today’s Miles: 13.8
Start Location: Small Stream Stealth Site (1444.5) 197.8

No deli today, but the garden center on the trail had ice cream and soda!

Before Bob and I crawled in our tents a few hikers came past and stopped for water. Last night was good sleeping with a low of 50 and not much dew. The sound of the stream nearby is always soothing. We were out at 7:15.

Several highlights today. The first was beautiful Nuclear Lake which was the site of a plutonium research facility that closed after a chemical explosion in 1972. The trail guide assures us that the area is safe. Next up was Dover Oak, the largest oak tree on the AT, estimated to be over 300 years old. After walking across Swamp River boardwalk we crossed the highway at the AT train stop with a garden center nearby. The garden center had ice cream and soda, our lunch break.

A half mile down the road was a deli but Bob and I resisted the urge since today was already going to be our longest day. From there it was up through some hay fields where we crossed electric fences on stiles. A stile is sort of a two sided step ladder over an electric fence.

Heavy rain is forecast overnight so Bob and I are staying in the Wiley Shelter. There are two other women in the shelter, one a flip flopoer and the other doing a long section. Another hiker just stopped by but decided to continue on. The rain just started at 5:30

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