2024 Appalachian Trail – Day 10 – The Journey Ends

Thursday – 27 June

Destination: Dalton, Massachusetts (1577.3)
Start Location: Kay Wood Shelter (1573.3)
Today’s Miles: 4.0
Trip Miles: 67.8

I questioned our decision to stay in the shelter instead of tenting until the rain started after nine. The light rain continued until four am or so. Drover, Tennessee and McGuyver had breakfast with us. Bob and I planned a breakfast sandwich in town since we were only a few miles away from Juice N’ Java in Dalton. The thru hikers passed us on the way into town and were sitting outside when we arrived. Bagel breakfast sandwich for me, breakfast burrito for Bob and real coffee.

Now this gets confusing, a coworker from my days at IBM over thirty five years ago, Bob M., picked us up for two nights in Williamstown, Massachusetts. It was back to Cable Mills for a shower and laundry before hamburgers and fries for lunch. There just happened to be ice cream nearby. Bob M. Gave us a tour of Williamstown and the incredible Williams College campus.

We sat outside and enjoyed the Green River view. Back in to relax a bit before heading out for a light dinner. Bob M. has been a wonderful host. Back in and it will be hard to stay awake past hiker midnight.

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