2024 Appalachian Trail – Day 11 – Williamstown

Friday – 28 June

After a restful night on a real bed, Bob and I awoke for coffee with Bob M. We headed over to the coffee shop for another coffee and breakfast. Then back to the condo. Today is a big day for Bob M. Furniture that he ordered last November from a company in Maine arrived. The truck showed up at eleven, an hour early, and Bob and I left to get out of the way.

We headed into town and explored the outdoor equipment store. There was a nice selection but we were able to keep our wallets in our pockets. Across the street for delicious sandwiches for lunch and time for people watching. Several hikers were in town.

During yesterday’s walk, we passed the campus chapel which looked like a small cathedral. Today, Bob and I tried the door and were able to visit inside. Beautiful architecture and memorials to the school founder, Civil War, WW I, WW II, Korean War and Vietnam students killed in service. Incredible stained glass windows. From there it was a visit to the college art museum and it’s many exhibits. By then I was ready to try another ice cream, Black and White Malt. Bob M. let us know the furniture delivery was complete so we headed back.

Bob M. had received two bedroom sets, den furniture, dining set and living room furniture from Thomas Moser in Maine. Beautiful, hand crafted pieces in cherry and walnut.

Dinner was at a Mediterranean restaurant, ice cream for dessert. (There may be a theme here) Back to pack for the morning. After breakfast, Bob and I catch a shuttle back to my truck and begin our journey home.


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