2024 Appalachian Trail – Day 8 – Nice Weather

Tuesday – 25 June

Destination: October Mountain Shelter (1564.5)
Start Location: Upper Goose Pond Cabin (1555.7)
Today’s Miles: 8.8
Trip Miles: 55.0

The rain showers stopped by ten but things were still wet when Bob and I awoke looking forward to the coffee and pancakes provided by the cabin caretaker. When we walked down to the cabin, two hikers were already enjoying pancakes. Boom had coffee ready and our pancakes soon followed, one with blueberries. After seconds it was back to the campfire to pack up. The temperature was a wonderful 60 degrees with lower humidity. We got started around 7:30 and only Night Hiker left before us.

It was a half mile from the cabin to the AT. Hiking was pleasant with a slight breeze. We got our 800 foot climb done before noon with the temperature under 70. All the north bound hikers (kids) from the cabin passed us before our lunch stop.

The rest of the trail to October Mountain Shelter had some ups and downs but was nice. When we arrived before two, three of the hikers from the cabin were at the shelter and left soon after.

Bob and I filtered water and washed up in the steam before setting up tents. It’s fun to unroll your tent and find the squashed slugs from last night’s campsite. Relax, enjoy the breeze before going back to the shelter picnic table for dinner.

After enjoying a freeze dried dinner, a couple, Grace and Pokey, came in to tent. James from London came in a little later. He has some holiday time, found a cheap flight to New York and is hiking until he needs to find his way back to either the Boston or New York airport. Temperature is comfortable so into the tent to hide from the bugs for a little reading before hiker midnight, 8:30.

Bob and I are looking forward to visiting the Cookie Lady tomorrow morning.

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