2018 AT – Day Four – Blood Mountain

Saturday, 2 June

Destination: Neel GapToday’s Miles: 8.1
Start Location: Lance Creek 39.9

Started at Lance Creek Campsite. I was up early and on the trail at 7:20. Several of the hikers that came in during the thunderstorm ⚡ yesterday afternoon had set up their tents right on the trail.

The morning held a 1,600 foot climb to Blood Mountain that I wasn’t looking forward to. It darkened and got windy, threatening rain but never did rain. The breeze helped cool the climb. It never seemed that bad. Maybe because I was expecting it and took it slow. Just after I crested the mountain, the sun came out. Lots of day hikers were out for the weekend.

On the descent, I caught up to the Scout dad and Will. They were heading into Mountain Crossings to pick up a mail drop and keep going. I was planning a short day and stay at the Mountain Crossings hostel. We arrived at lunch time and I had a frozen pizza. They don’t taste too good at home but after a couple of days of freeze dried meals – yum!

I showered, did some laundry in the shower and dried out my gear again. Nice to be clean and have clean clothes. I figured out my next couple of days and bought my food. I have a good enough cell signal to clean up my journal and add some photos to the album.

The dad from Chicago, daughter from Georgetown and friend came in. When I spoke to him this morning, they were planning on stopping at the hostel as well. He was planning a week to Top of Georgia, about 70 miles and the girls were planning on thirty days. I guess Blood Mountain might have been tougher than I thought. They had decided they are done.

Looks like I may have the hostel to myself tonight. I wouldn’t mind a little company but it is better than the crowds at the shelters on weekends. Also, ended up taking a short day during nice weather. Well, I should be able to get out early tomorrow.

2018 Appalachian Trail Album

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