Friday, 1 June
Destination: Lance Creek | Today’s Miles: 7.3 |
Start Location: Gooch Mountain Shelter | Trip Miles: 31.8 |
It ended up crowded last night with people in the shelter and most tent sites full. It started to thunder about eleven last night. There was an incredible sound and light show. It thundered, lightninged and rained for hours. I stayed mostly dry but things were damp and dirty packing up.
I chatted a bit with the scout dad before leaving at eight. I had a short day planned, either eight or twelve miles. Decided on eight since it is a campsite. The shelter at twelve will be busy for the weekend.
I stopped at Woody Gap for a half hour break. It was thundering in the distance and I was thinking about waiting under a small pavilion until it passed. Cleared up so I went on. I got to Lance Creek about one thirty. I set everything out in the sun to dry off, then set up. Shortly after, the lady from the shelter two nights ago came in and set up nearby. A Korean man who is day hiking came in and chatted for a while. He gave me two tomatoes. I do miss fresh fruit and vegetables while hiking. Soon, a husband and wife with two guys came by and took about an hour break here. They were quite loud. Glad they moved on.
Well the little bit of cell coverage I have indicated another thunderstorm and sure enough it arrived at four. I’ll sit it out in the tent and figure out dinner if it lasts.
Well, the thunderstorm lasted until six. Although the time between lightning and thunder was eight to ten seconds, the thunder shook the ground. I heard several groups of hikers come in during the downpour but didn’t dare open my tent. Things stayed dry but a little damp. So much for drying everything before setting up.
I did get to eat my freeze dried sweet and sour pork instead of a Clif bar for dinner. At least seven new tents sprung up during the rain. Some folks I’ve met before but with the weekend come the crowds. Well, I hope that is it for rain tonight so things will mostly be dry in the morning.