2020 St. Lucia – Day Seven – Relaxing

Monday, 17 February

Dolora and I planned a quiet day for our last full day in St.Lucia. The usual coffee on the deck and then breakfast. We spent a bit of the morning at the pool with the regular on and off showers. It really gets warm when the sun is out. We tried a new place for lunch. When we went to order, we were told that most of the items on the menu were n not available. No fish, no burgers, the specialty wasn’t ready yet, after one in the afternoon. Dolora ordered a salad, chicken pasta for me. Lunch was okay. A stop at the grocery on the way back. We picked up snacks for the plane ride and found some ice cream.

Back to the pool after lunch, more showers. Went into town for dinner at a place we had lunch earlier in the week. I was happy with my jerk pork. Dolora’s chicken pasta was not so good. A Piton beer on the deck, watching the bats fly around.

Tomorrow, we leave for the airport after lunch. At least the weather in Virginia will not be frigid.

2020 St.Lucia Album

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