2022 Appalachian Trail II – Day 16 –  The Lookout

Wednesday, 31 August

Destination: The Lookout (1722.6)Today’s Miles: 14.9
Start Location: Thistle Hill Shelter (1737.5) 133.0

Wedding Walker and I continue to do our best to alleviate the Vermont drought. It rained all night, heavy at times and finally stopped about five am.

We were out early since we had a long day. The temperature has dropped into the sixties after yesterday’s eighties. What a relief since our ascent was over 4,800 feet in sixteen miles. Today had plenty of water except at our destination, The Lookout. We carried water two and a half miles to another dry camp.

The Lookout is a cabin with a ladder up to a platform on the roof with some views. It is privately owned but the owner opens it to hikers. There are no tent sites here so we are sleeping on the floor.

Digger hiked with Wedding Walker and I today. Side Quest came in about a half hour after we arrived. He is a southbound hiker who started in Maine. What is most unusual is that he visits all the views and many side trails hence his trail name. He is young and hikes fast.

Tonight is already cool and tomorrow should be a little cooler than today was so it should make for nice hiking our last day. The terrain in Vermont has been gentle compared to New Hampshire and is allowing my knees to rehab! WW and I finish up tomorrow at the Inn at Long Trail.

Photos will be posted tomorrow when I have WiFi.

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2 Comments Add yours

  1. Liz says:

    Hi Al, I have so much enjoyed reading about your experiences on the trail. I am wondering if you have ever considered a GoPro for short video clips especially of the views. Hope your knee heals fast.
    Happy Hiking! – Liz

    1. stoffa says:

      Weight is the problem. I already have my phone with a camera, GPS trail guide, etc. I have a GoPro clone that I have used scuba diving.

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