Friday, 8 June Destination: Winding Stair Gap Today’s Miles: 15.9 Start Location: Carter Gap Shelter Trip Miles: 118.0 People continued to come into the shelter last night. A couple more girls came in and an odd young man. He had a huge backpack full of organic and natural foods. One of the guys mentioned what…
Category: 2018AT
2018 AT – Day Nine – One Hundred Miles
Thursday, 7 June Destination: Carter Gap Shelter Today’s Miles:12.5 Start Location: Muskrat Creek Shelter Trip Miles:102.1 It never did get cool last night. Stayed comfortable, another dry day. I spoke to a couple of folks at the shelter before leaving. A girl from New Hampshire came in late. She was hoping to get to the…
2018 AT – Day Eight – Georgia on My Mind
Wednesday, 6 June Destination: Muskrat Creek Shelter Today’s Miles: 11.8 Start Location: Dicks Creek Gap Trip Miles: 89.6 After breakfast at Top of Georgia Hostel, the eight o’clock shuttle took Angie, Therese and myself the half mile uphill to the trail. Justin (EVO) and the husband and wife were taking the nine o’clock shuttle. My…
2018 AT – Day Seven – Top of Georgia Hostel
Tuesday, 5 June Destination: Dicks Creek Gap Today’s Miles: 13.0 Start Location: Cheese Factory Site Trip Miles: 77.8 Two groups of three hikers went by but no-one stopped. They were headed to the next shelter so I spent the second night alone. It got windy after the sun went down and cooled. I was hiking…
2018 AT – Day Six – Cheese Factory Site
Monday, 4 June Destination: Cheese Factory Site Today’s Miles: 13.4 Start Location: Low Gap Shelter Trip Miles: 64.8 I was alone in the shelter last night. I heard some folks that I thought were coming in. Either they could not find the shelter or they went on up the trail. The weather forecast was for…
2018 AT – Day Five – Low Gap Shelter
Sunday, 3 June Destination: Low Gap Shelter Today’s Miles: 11.5 Start Location: Neel Gap Trip Miles: 51.4 I had the hostel to myself last night but still did not sleep well, unfamiliar building noises and motorcycles on the road. I was up early and ready to get on the trail before 7:30. As I got…
2018 AT – Day Four – Blood Mountain
Saturday, 2 June Destination: Neel Gap Today’s Miles: 8.1 Start Location: Lance Creek Trip Miles: 39.9 Started at Lance Creek Campsite. I was up early and on the trail at 7:20. Several of the hikers that came in during the thunderstorm ⚡ yesterday afternoon had set up their tents right on the trail. The morning held…
2018 AT – Day Three – Lance Creek
Friday, 1 June Destination: Lance Creek Today’s Miles: 7.3 Start Location: Gooch Mountain Shelter Trip Miles: 31.8 It ended up crowded last night with people in the shelter and most tent sites full. It started to thunder about eleven last night. There was an incredible sound and light show. It thundered, lightninged and rained for hours….
2018 AT – Day Two – Long Falls
Thursday, 31 May Destination: Gooch Mountain Shelter Today’s Miles: 12.9 Start Location: Stover Creek Shelter Trip Miles: 24.5 Lucked out with no overnight rain but did have to deal with mice scurrying about in the night. They didn’t seem to get into anything. I left at 7:30, a little after the lady who also stayed in the…
2018 AT – Day One – Amicalola Falls Visitor Center to Stover Creek Shelter
Wednesday, 30 May Destination: Stover Creek Shelter Today’s Miles: 11.6 Approach Trail 8.8 AT 2.8 Start Location: Approach Trail Trip Miles: 11.6 Started at the Amicalola Falls Visitor Center around ten am. Dolora hiked up near where the stairs started. She let me hike up the 604 steps alone after a hug and kiss. Dolora is my…